We are delighted to announce the results from our Carolina Collective open call on the fall UNC semester! We received 82 submissions from 110 people. All submissions were assessed for eligibility by three independent individuals; five independent individuals then evaluated all eligible submissions for their potential impact on the safety and well-being of the university community, innovation, feasibility, and inclusivity. A ranked list of all submissions was discussed by the steering committee who decided the final prize structure in accordance with our pre-specified plan.
Find below some of our fantastic finalist and runner-up submissions. These ideas were identified by our judges and steering committee as exceptional. We encourage you to check out these exciting ideas and learn more about them. Further consideration of potential implementation at UNC is already underway. We would also like to send out a big thank you to our volunteer organizing committee, judging team, steering committee, and others who contributed to this effort. We are grateful for your commitment to a healthy and safe fall semester.
Watch this space for more updates during the next few weeks! Thanks again to all who participated.
Suzanne Day and Joe Tucker on behalf of the Carolina Collective
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